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I love flowers more than most anything in the world. They are a gift from nature that is here one day and gone the next . I have enjoyed taking pictures of flowers for as long as I can remember but I have really gone nuts with it in the age of digital cameras. I always carry my little camera with me and 90% of my pictures are flowers, I can't help it. I don't have the patients to be to technical so I love my little point and shoot camera. It does all the work and I can keep it in my purse.

On my regular walking route I pass the most beautiful Dahlia collection that I have ever seen. I have been watching them grow each summer for five years. . The Gardner is an "older" gentleman. He is the property owner and his property is worth a few million clams. Gardeners come real cheap in LA , I dont know if he does his own lawn. The house is two blocks from the beach and is on a canal. I rarely see him out there which I find odd, as I pass there a lot - he must be up in the wee hours of the morning. He is not overly friendly but he does seem to respond favorably to my gushing appreciation of his hard work. He devised a wonderful irrigation system. It seemed to take a few years to get it to work just right. Each season he increases his bulb collection and this year it is over the top.

I have too many pictures, luckily this a slow process so I won't get too carried away. I hope you enjoy them.

I bet all you gardeners have some flowers growing, please, please, bring them on!

I love waterfalls but do admire beautiful flowers. I love picture because most times you have to slow down and focus in order to capture the moment.

Thanks for sharing the pics, they are beautiful.

So pretty! I'm grinning ear to ear!

Gorgeous flowers. Nice way to begin the weekend! And Daisy is a cutie patootie!

A native of Costa Rica, called "Purple Wings.Climbing all over my carport. Every year I get 5 - 6 birds nesting in the vines.

I love everyone's flowers and I LOVE DAISY Wendy! I want to hug her so bad!

Please keep them coming!

psssssstt Jack Sprat.......

I love flowers too, and these are all gorgeous. Love the kitty - and Daisy too. I used to have a cat named Daisy.

I love dahlias too, RW. A few years ago there was an older gentleman who was originally from Barbados who grew dahlias on his farm in the interior of BC. He would harvest and sell them at the end of each summer. A local business here in the city allowed him to set up a small stand in their parking lot, and he would arrive early every Saturday and sit there all day under an umbrella, and most times would be completely sold out by mid afternoon. He drove around 150 miles round-trip every weekend. His prices were so reasonable I often wondered if he made any profit at all. For less than $4.00 I could get a huge bunch. He would wrap them carefully in tin foil and would always "give" you some beautiful greenery along with your purchase. He was such a sweet man, and often people would sit with him and chat for awhile after picking out their flowers. He was creative too, and would often give advice on which colours made a nice arrangement. Sadly, he passed away a couple of years ago and is greatly missed, I can tell you.

Those are beautiful. My grandfather used to grow dahlias.

I'm into daylilies. They are so much easier to grow.

snapped this yesterday....know its not a hummingbird, is there a thing named a hummingmoth ??lol back end resembles a lobster...lobster moth ??

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