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Sundowner, I loved reading your story. I wish I could have bought dahlias from him. He sounds like one of life's little gems that is easily overlooked.

Piney - Those lilies are spectacular! I agree, dahlias are a lot of work! Its easy to let them freeze.

Jeannie, Your Hostas are awesome, they remind me of home. (New England) I don't see them here in LA, I wonder if they grow here? I certainly have emotional attachment to plants, i always have for as long as i can remember.

Sharleen, It all sounds so lovey... I would love to see some pictures! Its horrible when Dahlias freeze. I felt so guilty after I let that happen to mine years ago.

Wendy, those Stargazers shots are beautiful!
Hummm, I have never seen a lobster moth and I spent many a year on the coast of Maine.

Water Lilies amaze me.

I love to smell the roses

Poppies are pretty special too!

This is from one of my babies. I've nearly killed her several times, but this year she is doing better than ever.

Thanks Sprat! I love them all!
We were posting at the same time!

Got any flowers Bruce?

No problem Bruce!
I do recall a picture of tulips I would love to see again sometime if you happen to come across it someday .... no pressure for now..... someday when it pops up -

btw, my birthday is june 24!


This is a crazy bloom that only opens up at night. I think it is from the Epiphyllum species. My neighbor gave me a cutting a few years back and voila!

I can't decide which one I prefer - I LOVE them both.
Tulips bloom for such a short time, you got them at their perfect moment.
Thanks Bruce,
you made my night.
The colors are so vivid - mother nature and your camera work are quite a pair.

Ive always wanted to go to Holland to see the tulips when they are in bloom. It must be spectacular.

Yamangurl, that is such a weird and beautiful flower.

Nice - im really intrigued by that night blooming cactus. how cool is that.

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