
Full Version: Help from any Odor experts!?
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One of my dogs came to me yesterday looking greasy and smelled just absolutely nasty. He's a jumper, I've raised most of the fence in back to 6ft, the other parts are 4.5 feet and have thick hibiscus bushes backing them so he has to jump both together. No matter what I do he jumps somewhere. Anyway.... this is what I've tried so far (the scent has faded but it's still very much there).

Bath with baking soda and water
Peroxide (3 baths with it)
2 baths with regular dog shampoo.

Any ideas. It's driving me crazy and is disgusting!!

Thanks in advance.

he probably thinks he smells pretty good! how about tomato juice?..that was always supposed to get rid of skunk smell, although i don't know if it really worked.

a guy at work swears by That Orange Stuff but i don't know if you can find it in Jamaica....he might get it online.

Tomato paste or tomato soup. It works for dogs when they play with skunks and it worked on my daughter when she dumped a whole bottle of perfume on her head.

Good luck