
Full Version: Concept/Definition/Perspective of the term Local?
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After reading the many helpful and informative, and some amusing statements in the 'local prices' thread, I became very curious of how others define this term.

Please indulge me.

Oh Lawd!!!!! (((Doctor O)))

Are you going to Rootz Underground Tuesday?

suzen grace

You either live there (Your local) or you don't ( ie stay many months at a time out of the year or less-not a local)(but yes, maybe well versed on the comings-goings of Jam)

When I travel with my Jam.boyfriend we get the "local" price and if we don't mi man makes quite a fuss,you know, the whole disrespect thing, etc...

When am by myself I dont mind paying the extra price (unless blatant rip-off)knowing how hard it is to make a living and what it costs to live there...