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Since Booger likes this story I thought I'd repost it here and see what you guys think. It's typical of my writing so let me know if you'd like more.

Peace, Love and Understanding.

All Aboard!

Nick Shiver knew his days were numbered. Somewhere in the single digits he knew, but he had long ago ditched the trivial notions of days and dates. He had adjusted to a much more effective technique of tracking the transition of time and activity, the Who Come Soon Come System. A quick review of the calendar and Nick wondered if they’d slept late enough this morning. Today was Sketch and Boom Boom Day…

Nattie was both anxious and excited. She was excited because she knew that Sketch and Boom Boom Day was followed by Cousteau and The Mermaid Day which preceded Carlton and BaNanny Day which led straight into the High Holidays. She was anxious because she had not yet established her morning rituals. Today she would slip comfortably into her groove and not shed it until Sloppy Sad Percy Goodbye Day some lifetime away in her future.

Sketch had a plan, he just couldn’t remember it. It had all started well enough, with Red Stripes and a limousine. Those little airline bottles are really just pick me ups. And you know they put the TGI Fridays in your connecting airport for your travelling peace of mind. And those little airline bottles are really just pick me ups. Sketch was very thankful that Clives had Red Stripe on board and was willing to make supply stops. It could have been a brutal trip otherwise.

Boom Boom was ready to kick some backside. Somewhere over Georgia she had decided that a lost days sleep could never be recovered and she just let it go. Auto-reset, warm-boot, ReBoomBoom. She watched in the transit van as fellow amphibians faded. Dr. Dru and the Tooth Fairy started their field studies early and concluded a good nights rest was needed in preparation for their grueling series of exams. Boom Boom thought that it would be a good night to take on a little extra credit.

Somewhere around mid afternoon Nick and Nattie return to their lair with all the necessities. There was a visible change in Nattie and she was very excited when the first Jamaican cell phone ring of the trip came in. Nick and Nattie turtled down the road. Two red flags with black squares were run up the poles of a number establishments.

The greeting was a festival of joy. Nick and Sketch went a round or two of jabs and power punches followed by a round or two of Jibs and Power Punches. The ladies were as happy as a couple of puppies. The situation moved down the road to a nice little West End establishment. As the crew was enjoying a Stripe by the road they noticed the Love It Up bus roll by with Hambone at the wheel. It looked to be headed up the lane to the establishment where Shmoove was staying. The crew decided it was time to pay a call on Shmoove and maybe cop a ride on Hambones bus to the sunset.

When Team Incubus entered Hotel No-Tell the place was already hopping. It didn’t take them long to track down Shmoove and before they knew it they were all up on the rooftop deck knee deep in reunion. They had taken over a corner of the roof and were deeply engrossed in a rolling conversation. They were shortly joined by Swiss Family Shmokentstein, a beautiful husband and wife and their two adult daughters who were, well, Shmoking. This created a bit of a diversionary situation for the entire group as to what was going on around them.

For everybody, that is, except Sketch. Sketch had noticed during the conversation that a couple of ladies under the awning had taken a particular liking to each other and were only too happy to be extremely expressive about their feelings. Sketch had started to feel a little juice in anticipation of events taking a turn toward his namesake.When the Love It Up bus crowd headed downstairs Sketch lead the way.

The bus was crowded and the gang couldn’t talk Shmoove into jumping on board. Shmoove Shwerved off on his own path. All of this again leads to some disconnect from the goings on for most of the crew. Boom Boom settles down on the floor next to a buxom bus mate. Nick and Nattie were smooching away oblivious to their surroundings. Sketch was hoping someone would pull out a match and set this thing off…

“Who are the new people?” someone asks and it quickly becomes a chant. “We need to initiate them!” someone hollers. Boom Boom was just sitting there, minding her own business.

And then there was a boob on her head.

The buxom bus mate next to her had unpackaged her mammoth bressally and plopped it right on Boom Boom’s noggin. For Boom Boom this was entirely unexpected and undesired. She squealed, the bus roared.

Nick and Nattie could not see any of this. Nick, who was looking at the back of the bus, was presented with what amounted to a live slide show as the bus swayed back and forth and so did standing passengers. First, a swim suit top over a pair of Old, Large Breasts. Passengers swung back. Then the top being pulled down. Passengers now swung back looking at Old, Large Breasts. Old, Large Breasts on display. . Passengers now swung back looking at Old, Large Breasts while hooting and hollering. Then a can of whip cream appeared with the dink, dink, dink of shaking. Passengers now swung back looking at Old, Large Breasts while hooting and hollering and calling for dessert. Whipped cream bressallies.

Nick kind of adjusts Nattie’s standing position to block his view a little. He advises against turning around which causes Nattie to bust out laughing. Nattie advise Nick that he may not want to turn around. When he does he is confronted with another pair of Old, Large Breasts enjoying a bottle of beer.

A quick pow wow gave Sketch the opportunity to offer an escape hatch. Squeal Team Sex would go left when the orgy went right. He would have been happy to sketch along a little while longer but the Boom Boom Booby had put a little different spin on the sketchfest.

When the Love It Up bus pulls up for sunset Sketch is off quickly and down the road, waving Boom Boom and then Nick to come along as he steps off the bus. Nick turns around to see that Nattie has been waylaid by a couple who find her very attractive. Nattie is too kind to ignore anyone talking to her, even if that would be in her best interest and safety. As Nick called Nattie off the bus the pair follow her.

“Let me introduce myself,” said the lounge lizard, “They call me ‘Bronco’,” he said, pausing slightly for effect,”Bucking Bronco!”

“Oh, yes!” says his lady friend,” Oh, yes they do! And for good reason!”

Nick and Nattie are a little flustered by this and started to back away to their exit. Bronco carried on, “And this is my friend Dolores, doesn’t she have wonderful breasts? She LOVES to have them caressed.” Bronco reached over and gave Dolores’ barely covered Bogo’s a good massage. He was quite enjoying pulling these squares chain.

“Well,” said Nattie, trying to think of something nice to say as she extricated herself from the situation, “Yes, from the right one.” At this comment Dolores heaved her chest at Nick and throwing her head back proclaimed, “Or many!”

With that Nick and Nattie made their quick exit, stage left. The team was reunited moments later under the safe haven of a lovely large steel roof. Laughs ensued and a long debrief later in the evening with the Shmokensteins brought more laughs and disbelief, as well as creating a whole other story of humor, outrageous behavior, and disbelief. So there it is, submitted for your approval…

How Sexy Rexy’s Saved Squeal Team Sex From the Sexy Wreck See

guirigay wrote: It's typical of my writing so let me know if you'd like more.
I remember booger saying you might come this way. I think the peeps here will enjoy your writing. This must have been the Hedo/One Love Bus crawl with names changed to protect the innocent :-)
Welcome aboard Guirigay!

Oh holy crap! Are you kiddin' me? Some old gal flopped her tit on Mrs. booger's head?? For real? HOW DID I MISS THAT???????????? Those are the kind of incredibly disgusting moments that I live for. Unless it happened to ME then I would be pissed............lol Welcome GG!! I'm highly disappointed that you didn't get pictures,,, we will expect better next time. We have very high standards around here ya know.

booger ya old perv......LOL

Me to..I'm a perv...in training.I could become very good at it !!!!

Thanks guys, glad you enjoyed it. This was during a Christmas 2012 trip, specifically the afternoon when Booger and Pooper arrived. Everybody's still around Angel, we just stay in touch via different channels. We had a bunch of peeps at our wedding in Vegas in September. Booger was SUPPOSED to be there! Smile We were actually in Vegas that weekend BECAUSE of Boogs. But I tell you this, and I'm a little disappointed in him for it, he loves his little booger more than me. WTF, man? And you're definitely a fresh, young perv. No question.