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When Jim and I stayed in Treasure Beach Miss Millie cooked for us. I did not tell her what to cook. I just ask her to cook for us like family. REAL Jamaicam food. I was delighted with all the new foods we were able to experience. One that really suprised us was Ox Tail. It was delish ! So when given an Ox Tail I had to try. Here is what happened. The recipe was from the book, Authentic Recipes from JAMAICA.
By John DeMers. It was good but NOT as good as Miss Millies.

The Ox Tail

UGH I just cannot get this picture thing right


thankyou all for the info on oxtail. I love the taste but have never made it myself. Looking forward to having my friend Connie (from the CountryWestern bar in Negril show me how to make it this seaon.

wish i could say that the oxtail looks yummy
whats a spinner ??

PLEASE....whats a spinner.

A spinner is a small petite woman..........and during sexual inte.......... Ummmmmm you get my drift........

And Macy my dear...... Jerk chicken is life........if it cooked properly, sometime dem drum cooker don't cook all the way and you get diaria....

Now back to spinners..........

irijah laish

i brown my tail before i start adding everything also...
if there is a hispanic or international store (such as compere) the oxtails are WAY cheap...
oxtail used to be so cheap...then the wealthier people discovered how tasty they are and the price went out the wazoo...so getting them at a cheaper price is a winner...
at compere you can get a whole pack of oxtail for about 3-5 american dollars...
the crock pot is wonderful for oxtail after the browning is done...
you can also use magi or kitchen bouquet for browning, both of which can be found at most grocery stores...