
Full Version: Markospoon and Ras meet again.
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He won, he won the last match and it was too easy.

Things would be different this time, i'll show him!

I'll show them all!

I need to find Mr. Slick, my teacher from way back in the day.

Mr. Slick was good. Some say the best.

That was 30 years ago on the Island known as Jamaica.

They named a Pool Tournament after him.

Slick as Ice Pool invitational.

Markospoon was on a mission to find this man.

Mon, him no liv inna yard no more.
Him a gone a foreign, to the States Mon.

%*$#()*&%##, said Spoon.
I must find him! He alone can help me with the up-coming match against one of the best.

The Title is currently being held by Ras, but a rematch had been promised to Spoon.

Him a go far away mon, cross de ocen to Shi-ca-go.

How can i, wait!
You mean CHICAGO!!

Me know it mon, i know Chicago like the back of my hand!

So with his new found directions, Spoon was on a plane back to Chicago and on a mission to find Slick.

The West side of Chicago is a mere shadow of its former self.

The Stock yards and factories have left, leaving the residents to a fate you would not wish upon your worst enemy.

The Crime ridden, politically corrupt, on the take politicians had forsaken that side of the city.

"stop here driver" said Spoon.
"you want me to wait, sir", This is a pretty rough hood, man.

"No thanks, Spoon said."

I grew up just down the street.

The last known address of Mr. Slick was 2394 West Monroe.

It was a rinky dinky old apartment building.
Occupied mostly by senior citizens.

I walked up the few steps and just before i could reach the bell, i heard a voice say"who's calling? What do you want?"

My name is Spoon, Marko Spoon, I'm looking for Mr. Slick, i.......

"He don't want no company, she barked!"

Spoon slipped her a $20 and the pathway upstairs was shown to him.

knock, knock.

A soft voice answered the knocks.

Come in" young man.

I opened the door and there sat Mr. Slick, the best of the best when it came to shooting pool.

I know why you have come, Mon, my nephew phoned me yesterday with the wild story about you wanting some tips that can help you defeat this Ras dude.

"Well, come in " Slick said. We have work to do.

Now I'm practicing...........I'm gettin ready mi bredrin...... Don't forget your glasses cause I don't want to hear that excuse again..........lol