
Full Version: Need some advice
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Hey everyone, this is for the Northern Cali members on here. I'm looking for some info on how to go about getting agricultural work for this upcoming harvest. It's not for the money, if they even pay you in cash, but for the experience. This is something I've always wanted to do and this year is the perfect time for me. I was planning on just throwing my camping gear in a car and heading west. I'm sure in those smaller towns people know what the deal is and could point me in the right direction but I'm looking for some definite advice from the locals. PM me if you wish or email me jtorsch84@gmail.com



I googled "agriculture work in California" there are some sites. Different types of agriculture, don't know what type you want. May not of helped but there are a few options. Good luck!

You can do it all legal:


Oaksterdam University

America's first cannabis college was founded in 2007 to provide students with the highest quality training for the cannabis industry. Our faculty is comprised of the most recognized names in the California cannabis legalization movement. Since opening its doors in November of 2007, thousands of students have taken classes with the hope of entering the budding cannabis job field.

Angel, you are adorable!

HA HA HA... my mind is the same as Angels. I was thinking... why would anyone want to come and work in the fields for free. Gee, I have an uncle with a 3,000 acre ranch in Montana, maybe he needs some help. It wasn't until Angel posted her misunderstanding that I finally realized that helping to bail hay, move irrigation pipes and cut the alpalpha wasn't the intention of the OP. I guess coming from a family of farmers - uhhh, real farmers - sends my mind in a different direction. Growing up, working an agricultural project meant doing "DeKalb" AKA tipping each corn stalk to fertilize them. LOL

I'm very naive, as well, lol! I didn't get it until much later in the thread. But I don't have a problem with him asking.

That "legal weed" is horrible. Horrible for you, bad tasting and a shitty high. I paid $50 for a gram of the best stuff they had just to try it. After smoking 2 bowls I gave the rest away, then I started reading up on it and regretted even smoking that much.

RG- I'll admit that I'm more blunt than most, especially when it comes to pot. But it's gotten me this far in life, I know when to shut up and when not to ask questions, this seemed ok to ask on here. As to me being DEA, well... There goes my chance at being president or working for the DEA...

That is a weird web site. The thing is, weed is still illegal in the US on a Federal Level - 15 states have medical statutes making it somewhat legal, with California's medical statutes being the most liberal. Other states - Massachusettes and CA are the two that come to mind - have decriminilized it.

So the trend appears that in the 21st Century the prohibition is being lifted somewhat. But...bottom line, Marijuana is still considered a Class 1 "Narcotic" (and it's not even officially considered a "narcotic"Winknation-wide.

Which is why discretion is key, cause there are still folks out there looking to bust other folks. So while I don't think the subject itself is taboo (I speak very freely of it and my opinions about its legalization) the OP's post set off bells in my head and chills up my spine. This is the internet. Anyone can be anywhere.

RG- you sure seem to be a paranoid individual. Considering your original post in this thread, and many other posts you have made in the past, what are you so worried about?
Considering he was asking about where he might find work, as opposed to looking to find workers, I didn't see any issues.
LBB - I hope you find what you are after, I bet it will be an interesting experience for sure.

Rootswoman - we all have our own opinions, and I have no issue with people expressing their own. But I said what I felt, based on many more than only this thread. And I wouldn't consider what I said, "name calling". I could give several examples of things that led me to this conclusion but really there is no point in continuing to hijack the thread.

Tim "you sure seem to be a paranoid individual" is name calling or placing a value judgement on someones self, not an opinion. If you would like to express your opinion you could say something like- Rastagirl you seem to act paranoid .... - you see, acting paranoid and being a "paranoid individual" are two separate things and that"s where my problem lies.

I could call you a mean hearted person but I would not do that - I will say however, I have seen you act mean towards Rastagirl on more than one occasion.

Now with all this being said, I don't have a problem with you or anyone on these message boards. I never have. I have been around a fair amount of time, I know a lot of the people and I have never gotten into it with anyone. It is not my nature and I don't plan to start.

This is Tammy's board, she does not like censorship, she has no problem with the content of this thread, she even came in and said so. Tammy is a generous loving and kindhearted person. She like us to express our opinions but she does not want peoples feelings hurt. Making value judgments against others hurts peoples feelings and it is uncalled for.

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