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"I did - and I'm not an "oldster" by any way, shape or form. Probably around the same age as you Tim as far as I can tell from your pix...granted I was fairly young on my first trip"

Well 30 yrs ago would put me in junior high school. Back then my parents sure didn't have the money to bring us to the caribbean. The one big vacation we ever did was a trip to Disneyland around that time. Obviously if you were travelling to Jamaica at 14 your family had alot more resources than mine.

Anyways, why not post some photos of yourself? You have made the decision we are about the same age by my pictures, well show yourself!

Not sure how you decided I was singling you out age wise (because I wasn't). Well I'm still closer to 40 than 50, but age is just a number, right? I'm far from joe fitness - I'm a fat weed smoker and beer drinker. But I did run a 10km trail race yesterday, waiting for the results to be posted but pretty sure I will be in the top 5 out of about 25 in my category. In 2 weeks my wife and are running a half marathon in Regina. I might not be the fittest guy around - but I have an iron mind and have a habit of doing this others might find unreasonable.
I enjoy reading others trip reports posted publicly as well as the fantastic pics - but I don't blog, tweet, facebook etc. I waste too much life time on the computer as it is. I'm still not sure what you are hiding from, but so be it.

Good to hear Bobby, hang in der!


I hate to see any business in Negril close down due to circumstances, and wish I knew the answer.... it makes me sad. Bobby, I fervently pray for your success! Now, on reduced tourism, in the 11 or more years I have been going there - which is actually 26 trips, I have noticed many negative changes. The older, wiser locals have ALWAYS been respectful and hopeful - even the higglers and plain old beggars. The last few years have brought us a generation (not unlike our own here in the US) that are - not all, but many -demanding, believe they are entitled, threatening, and some downright dangerous, and if anyone is naive enough to thinks that's paranoia, they are wearing blinders. Then there is the problem of erratic drivers, speeding and having no apparent concern for pedestrians (or other cars/scooters), and add those thing up, along with prices becoming higher and higher, but the rooms being the same ultra basic accomodation.... The tourism board can do little, but I would love to see the wise oldtimer locals kick some respect into the butts of annoying jerks in their own small area; for instance, I don't believe JahB would tolerate a thug coming onto his grounds and threatening a guest with violence if we didn't give them $$ or our camera or our phone. I think except for some specific individuals, many of the older locals are in fear of the young thugs, too. If Jamaican elders can't control them, what should a mere tourist spending money on food, beverage, souveniers and lodging do to stay safe and not feel threatened at every turn, particularly after nightfall? Someone on this board said they were "separated, thinking divorce" about Jamaica. I can't recall who that was, but I understand their point of view, and am about there myself. When I stay with Deb at Moonlight I NEVER feel in danger, but I also stay put at night - with the safety of her dogs protecting me. The furthest I go is PeeWees or BCC at night without a taxi, as that road with boys on crotch rockets going 60-70 MPH is crazy Sad

Man, what a post JaBailey - you said it all!

I couldn't go down this year because of financial reasons - but after hearing all the crap I didn't even care. The only reason I would go to Negril at this point, would be to see some boardies. Post Antonio is appealing but I'm really thinking about Tulum , Mexico -for my next international vacation.

I keep hoping things will get better but it seems to keep getting worse

Bobby, glad to hear your still kicking.

I agree with you all. This is not a Westend thing, this is far reaching, even past Negril and into the hills. This is a generation thing. Actually, the generation is called the Entitled Generation and it is probably the same in most countries.

I'm also very glad to hear that you are hanging in & not giving up....best of luck! The season seems to be picking up some now....at least we are getting reservation inquiries, whereas before we got nothing!

Sundowner, cool. Where the heck was I?

Yes, Cam is a true people person. Loves to chat and have fun. A true French-Manitoban! LOL!


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