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Ok, I need some help in finding a way to earn enough points for a FREE airlines ticket. I currently have 20,000 with my Citibank card and if I open a checking (not that I need one) with a so-so balance and a few transactions will earn 25,000 more. Citibank and the Thank You network don't always use the cheaper airlines, meaning I need a ton of points. Any ideas on better reward programs?

People don't "plan to fail" on getting things for free, they simple "fail to plan" on how to get things for free. In my twisted Jamaican mind this makes perfect sense so don't even tell me if I can't afford the ticket to stay home.

Jamaica - July 2012

Pick me - the QUEEN of the frequent flyer mile.

First, I do fly a lot. 30-40K per year. So that's a great head-start.

Do you have a Citibank AA credit card? If not - GET ONE. (Or a United, or a Delta...) Then charge everything....gas, food, movie tickets. You'll be amazed and amused how fast those miles rack up - 1 mile for every dollar spent. Plus, when you sign up you get something like 30K miles. Commit to your airline whenever you can. For me, I find American is usually within $50 of being competitive with other major carriers to most places so I fly them exclusively. Not sure but you may be able to transfer all or some of your Thank You points over to your new Citibank credit card too. If you're able to transfer those 20K points, and earn 30K miles for signing up - you have yourself a free ticket within the US at least and that's a start.

July 2012 is a year away. I bet you a cookie you can accumulate some serious mileage between now and then. Another key is so that you do not go into credit card hell is to pay the balance off every month.

I have not paid for a plane ticket to Jamaica in probably more than 10 years and we fly first class each year - on miles.

As Mpls. is a Delta hub of sorts, used to be NWA main hub, I got the Amex Delta card. I now use it in place of my cash card and also have most of my bills set up to auto pay on it. Had it for 8 months and about 2/3 the way to enough miles for a ticket to Jamaica and that is after using my old NWA miles and the sign up bonus miles for tickets last May.