
Full Version: Lizardbeth ~ any news?
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Almost a month ago Lizardbeth posted that she was undergoing treatment for BC, any news on how she is doing?


Oh No! I didn't hear that.
She is close to Selina.
and I have see her in Selina's threads on facebook sometimes. Oh dear, she is a sweet and talented woman. I do hope she is OK.

I spoke with Lizardbeth on Sunday night. She is doing really well. Yes, she has gone through her surgeries!! She is awaiting the drainage to decrease to the point to where she can begin chemo. She was really hoping to begin chemo today!!! I hope that she is going TODAY!! She lurks here. I will let her know to join us here!

Jenny, I don't know how they make the tea.

There are so many forms of edibles available here in Cali, things like hard candies and even popsicles, I sure wish it were legal for me to send you some.

With that being said it occurs to me that you should post in the thread "also censored on another board" I bet you will get some good answers on the tea.

Lizardbeth~so sorry that you are having to deal with this and glad things are going well for u so far Smile I pray that continues for you as you've been thru enuff.

Jenny~ Whatever all that medical stuff u were saying is, I'm glad its positive for you and that it helps you.

Likkle Red~ I also live in Michigan and I know about this program. I have insurance as well so don't utilize it but depending on ur income you may be able too. Check this link http://www.michigan.gov/mdch/0,1607,7-132-2940_2955-13487--,00.html I know our local health department has the info in my city.

Thanks everyone for your kind words. Its great to know there are so many wonderful folks out their rooting for us. (((hugs)))

Thinking of you Elizabeth xxoo

To my strong women friends fighting the evil of cancer, I will keep you in my prayers for complete remission and the inward power to fight the good fight. Let us hold virtual hands of protection around our friends fighting illness, and pick them up should they become discouraged along their journeys. Much love and respect to to Lizardbeth and Jenny, and anyone else I've missed who is forced to interrupt their lives in such a way. xoxoxo

Thank God hair grows back - I'm so sorry. I can't imagine...
Love and hugs