
Full Version: wish me luck!
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I go to the VA today..they said they are going to fit me for dentures..but I don't know, maybe more..they did one fitting a few weeks ago..would they have made a set from that impression or are they just waiting for a new impression to make a set from? Either way, I will find out this afternoon and also hopefully how soon I can expect to get my teeth..soon come! I am soooo ready for Negril! I have decided that if I have them by then, my dates will be November 9th to December 3rd, and will be staying at Summerset Villa since they are offering the best price..well under $500 for the month for a room with ac and mini fridge and the place has a pool too...there are some negative comments, but most of the reviews are positive and am going to cross my fingers and make the plunge..if my appointment goes well today I plan on paying for the room next month, then getting my plane ticket in September. Smile

Good luck, Medi - hope it all works out for you.

Congradulations, Medi! I pray all goes well for you.

The smileys are the whistler head, rainbow head, etc, at the right side rite above the message body. Just click wait a minute, put you mouse on it and 1 click on you should see a bunch of smileys.
Here are some for you.

i agree - do not pay upfront

i found a wonderful spot for a month one summer - $600 - for 2 bedrooms on 2 acres in the country - about 6 miles or so from negril beach

it cost me another $600 for food - had to buy salt, pepper, cooking oil - then the food - i could have done box food cheaper than that - and food is very expensive there right now - i'm not a suck an orange and feel good all day kinda girl

it cost another $600 for transportation - a car or scooter would have cost the same - and i didn't even use transportation every day - and because it was off the beaten trail - at night i needed transportation to my door

and being in the country by myself - was scary at best - everyone on the road knew i was there alone with just my son - i ended up getting help with security - but that cost more money

in retrospect - staying on negril beach would have lowered transportation costs - afforded more food opportunities - more security - even though the housing costs appeared higher

about day 20 - i was ready to go sit in the airport and wait 10 days for my flight home

go to http://www.comfi.com and get a phone card with a local access number

sorry medi, I meany right up above canoe, within walking distance.

Many will remember chuck, from the yacht club, he's at mango tree now.

I like your green pictures!

So let me make sure I am getting this right. Cole Villa Condo's are the part of NBCC that is Mariner's and is not run by Ms. Gaynair? Wherever I end up staying, would want to stay there at least one night before paying for a full month, but if I can get right on the beach for $500 for the month, then that would be awesome. Right now, as things are though, Summerset has underbid everyone, and I feel I owe them first whack at me, anyway, and if all is okay there would be paying up, if not, if things are not that full in November maybe I will find someone to higgle with on the spot. I am going to go with a named place, but nothing would be set in concret until I actually get there and check it out. That I am thinking is the best way to go about it, and really appreciate all the good feedback I got that gave me a lot of food for thought. I am keeping my fingers crossed that Summerset is going to be acceptable, but if not, it always helps to have backup plans.