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what kind of spray paint did you us.I have bought a new fridge and stove (after all the talk from JaJewel's place) and the sides are black and I hate it am looking for a way to paint them.

what kind of spray paint did you use?

The man who painted our frig. taped it all up like they do a vehicle & then sprayed it with the same paint that they spray cars with (I think!)

It had rusted so bad in the 3 years that we had it, it was an embarrassment!....but of course, we were still left with all the internal problems....guess we should have gone to Courts at that time & just bought a new one & made payments.....maybe we will still have to do that!

Hi, OT! I used a can of Rustoleum specialty plastic spray paint that I bought from Menards (a local Home Depot sort of). It was about $4.69 a can and I had thought that I cover at least a couple of chairs with it. The one I tried needs another coat. May as well buy another chair on sale, of course, Smile

We need to cover some shudders, too, that have faded with time. It is way cheaper to paint them versus buy new ones. I'm open to suggestions.