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arriving back to mpls. when i see this out my window. i just bought a new lense for my D40 and thought what a great photo op.
do you suppose its rain, wind, or tornado ?? i left st.louis while visiting my dear boardie friend sally and found out i LEFT a tornado behind (Joplin) only to arrive in mpls AFTER a tornado touched down in n. mpls. YIKES ! missed dem both !

I think I see a wall cloud starting to form & come down there, Wendy! Don used to be a photojournalist for the Wichita Eagle & the Kansas City Star. While doing this, he chased & photographed many tornados. One of his specialities was photographing lightning in Kansas. He got some great shots because of the flat terrain there!

Sunday, May 22nd, I was driving back from Newyork.

I came through Indiana and it started raining and lots of wind.

It got dark and hail started coming down.

I passed some cars stopped under an overpass for safety i guess.

The hail made a tripped out sound, being pelted with hard ice on the roof.

All my daughter thought about was that maybe her car would be dented and damaged.

I said "baby, we are driving through a tornado"

We came through it OK and no damage to the car.