
Full Version: The AC is on full blast!
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Terrible here folks.

The first warm week here in Chicago and the office folks have the AC on full blast.

I normally keep a sweater to wear in the office, but i did not think it would be this cold the first week.

I will not forget it tomorrow.

The wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz said "I'm melting",

but I say

"I'm freezing".

My central a/c broke down yesterday after I fired it up for the start of the season. The repair man is coming tomorrow and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I won't have to auction off something to cover the bill. In the meantime it's pretty uncomfortable.

Hope it's not too much $$ BP.

Me and the cold don't get along.

My brother needs AC constantly and his room in Negril is always freezing.

Hey Ras,
Good to hear from ya, have a safe flight back to the US of A!