
Full Version: Question re: Rastafarianism
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I've always wondered about this, and finally decided to ask it. In the world of Rastafarianism, what IS the connection of it to things I normally hear associated with Judiasm??? In the songs, I hear references to "Zion," "Babylon" and other things that appear to be centered in Jerusalem. One person told me that it has to do with Haile Selassie, who she said was Jewish???!!! Is Selassie at the root of this, from Ethopia?? I supposed that I need to take a "comparative religion" course. I grew up in a non-religious (but highly moral & ethical) household, so I am at a disadvantage in understanding all this. Can anyone shed light on this for me, please? Thank you, in advance!

OK, so I forgot to mention that I am well aware of the fact that Jerusalem has been the "birthright"of 3 different religions...

We've just gotten home after a 9 hr trip from MBJ. Computers were down at MBJ and everything was being hand written...we were in line for two hours to get checked in.....no big deal but a PITA.

I've read this thread and I can contribute some insight.

King David's son Salomon built the first Temple in Jerusalem. When he got older he went to what is now Ethiopia to hang with Sheba. Solomon and the Queen of Sheba and the son named Menelik I, King of Axum. From him descends "beta Israel" and HIM.

This story happens to be an integral part of the York Rite of Freemasonry........Say what????

Maybe I'll write a short paper and post it.

Right now I'm going to bed