
Full Version: Keeping Bees, Bzzzzzzzz
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I have heard that the honey from Jamaican bees is the best.

On one of Smith's post from the other place, he was walking in the hills of Lucea and came across a bee keeper.

He did not get close, just pointed his camera at the wooden box thing that the keepers keep the bees in.

I sure wish i could do that and harvest the honey and place in jars to sell.

Honey cost an arm and a leg here in Chicago.
Like $10.00 for a jar.

There is a bee keeper in Fort Charles area on the South Coast. Parchment Honey is the name and he sells his honey in the local stores. I saw it on the shelves of the Great Bay store. It was comparably priced to that in the US. A small jar was about 6 dollars and the bigger jar was about $20. I didn't buy any but I should have.