
Full Version: Dentists in Jamaica
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The VA sucks big hairy donkey dongs. I just found out that they won't even see me until July to see if I am "ready" for dentures, and then another appointment after that for the first fitting, then wait until they come back and until the last fitting I don't even have any teeth at all.

So to hell with waiting, I need to know if anyone can help me and let me know if I can get them made and done in Negril if possible. If they can fit me even the first fitting and then at least I have a set of teeth in my mouth..I don't care if they are not absolutely perfect..I just don't want to go up to six damn months with no teeth..two months is barely tolerable to me..but six ????

So sorry, Medi....that really DOES suck the big one!! Hope someone can give some advice on here. I don't know any dentists in that area at all.

I know it sucks waiting for this...but
there are many things that can go wrong with the procedure and fit.

It needs to heal to do the mold

The lab work is actually more important than the dentist's skill.....you don't want to look like a zebra ...made on a porch in redground ??

respect to the poster on this Smile

......also they will charge you more than a local and the potential for a redo or adjustment is very high especially for the bottom denture.....