
Full Version: My Babies Just Left
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Damn the week just flew so quickly. Amazing how fast time goes when your so happy. It was a crazy busy week with not one dang minute of real downtime. I need another week off to recoup I tell you. We had a family and friend cookout last night at my house so you can imagine what I am left with now. LOL It was so much fun though to have everyone here. The kids opened the pool for the season although I know that water has to be not too much warmer than ice water. Soon as the last person closed the door last night I turned around to ask Sissy the baby girl if she would like to get Gizmo's treat (my Shitzu) for him and she just busted out crying. I asked what's wrong and she just said she was going to miss her cousins and cried even harder. She's only 6 and it just broke my heart and of course I had to cry with her. Amazing how that hit her as the last person closed the door. Just not something I would have expected a 6 yr old to think about or feel at that moment. They grow and mature so fast. Quinton of course thinks about nothing till time to think about it so he just said bye and was already back in the bedroom with the remote before anyone got out the door. LOL Boys ... Of course when I was trying to wake him up this morning he started whining with his head covered saying I don't want to leave Nana and I reminded him of our plan so he jumped up and started packing. Our plan??? I will be getting him a ticket to fly back when he gets out of school to spend the summer with me. I suggested a month and he counter replied with the whole summer. lolol

I wish Sissy could come as well but she is a mama's girl and no way would she even consider being away from her mama for 2 days unless she knew she was right down the road. Sissy of course is begging to move back closer and I hope and Pray her begging is a success within another year. It's so hard to be away from them for so long especially knowing how far away they are.

All in all it was wonderful and a Blessing to be able to spend this week with them and be off work to enjoy every moment. Now I got to get my head prepared for work and a lot of it so I can get this ticket and save a little for Summer Fun.

Anyone have any suggestions for a better PT job that's not so stressful??? LOL Yeah I know I'm asking a lot there but I gotta quit this hell hole pt job I got now and I have a feeling when Quinton arrives that will be the time. Wink
