
Full Version: My First JA Phone Scam
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876-571-9380 called me 5 times while I was sleeping this morning and like always I went through my book of numbers to see if it was someone I wanted to return the call to. Since maybe only 5-10 people on the island (mostly lodging places) have my number, I thought it was odd that I had no clue who it was.

So a few minutes ago the p-clot called again to inform me that I won something or had a Fed Ex package. Sounding as excited as I could, I mentioned this was my first JA telephone scam and for him to piss off. He insisted that the number was a Washington DC number and that it was his "roaming number". Back and forth we went until I called him one of those bad names and said if he called again I would hunt him down....

Oh well, now he keeps calling and calling so I need to see about having his number blocked somehow.

These calls are coming to your US Phone??

How friggin' odd. And the guy keeps calling. Sheesh.

My parents used to have a really unique way to end scam calls. They had a VERY loud horn sitting next to the phone. Whenever they got a scam call, they blew the horn right into the phone. The person never called back again. I have to confess, I often wondered if the horn ever blew out any eardrums on the other end. It was loud!