
Full Version: Wake up at 1:30 for your ride to the airport
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Jingle, jangle, jam.
My alarm goes off.
Huh? wha?........
Oh,(stretching) aaaaaaaaaargh, sigh, whew!
Man, i barely got 2 hours of sleep.

1:30 AM, it's time to get up!

My taxi will be here at 3:00AM, excellent!

I always have my clothes laid out, like a little kid going on a field trip at school.

"I better get that hot shower going "I say to myself.

I pulled back the curtains in my living rooom and ......nothing, dark as you know what.....not a soul stiring, not even a mouse.

Hee Hee, this is gonna be grand.

Soap up, wash down, rinse off.

I just stand there in a steamy shower, water beating down across my head and shoulders.
I love a hot shower, I do alot of thinking there, but no time to dilly dally, i gotta get ready!

Soon, i'm dressed, Blue jeans, gym shoes and a hooded sweat shirt.

I take a look at the old passport, open up the vault (wallet), $900.00, cool, that's good enough for 10 days.

Yellow Taxi Company says
"we will call when your driver arrives"

2:10 AM, hmmm, 40 minutes to go.
A quick bowl of cereal and my stomach is set.

I look over and see this 1 big suitcase.

49.5 lbs. exactly.
Oh, the things I do for the ones i love.

Shoot, all i need is a couple of pair of shorts, T-shirts, a baseball cap,swim trunks and sandals.
But, I always bring extra stuff.

Ring, ring, (my cell phone)
"sir, your taxi has arrived"


I grab the big suitcase and my keys.
I leave out of my back door, by the alley,

Not trying to be funny, but 16 out of 17 taxi drivers have been from the Middle East.

When he sees me, he pops the trunk and gets out. He grabs my suitcase,
I say "hey, i have one more bag".
No problem, he says.

I head back in the house, look around, make sure I have my personal stuff and my book bag with the laptop and what not.

Ok, that's it.
I turn out the last light and kiss my place good bye.

The streets of Chicago are deserted and quiet.

3 turns and i'm on LSD (Lake Shore Drive) heading North to O'hare Airport.

I like leaving at 3:00 AM, to catch a 6:30 AM flight out.

It's like I'm sneaking away and leaving the city to fend for itself.

Zipping down the highway, passing all the tall high rise buildings in downtown Chicago.

A few lights are always twinking ,high up in the skyscrapers, even at 3:00 Am.

I wonder if some poor soul is actually at work or are they just wasting electricity.

This is how my solo journey begins.

The best part about early flights is you get Jamaica early and it's like a whole extra day. Leaving O'Hare you probably don't even have a layover.

~ Markospoon ~ wrote:

'LSD (Lake Shore Drive) '

Oh Markospoon LSD-HOMESICK for the City!!!!!The Melting pot of the midwest. Miss all the different cultures all in a 300 mile radius and of course the Lake.

Have a great time in Jamaica and I am looking forward to your stories of your Vacation!

Well, I am not leaving on a trip.

This is just a little snapshot of the night before.

My next trip will be in November if i am lucky.