
Full Version: Do You hold the Females to a Higher Standard
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Than the Man in your life. Are they expected to have more loyalty, more honesty, more of a commitment to the friendship than the man you are in a relationship with?

Do guys do the same as women? Or do they have another standard that they judge friendship from?

I expect for people that are my friends, and that includes my husband, to be honest with me. Lack of honesty creates a "psychic chasm" between the 2 parties in the friendship. Loyalty is a bit tougher; what signifies loyalty?? For example, if I'm doing something that is unrighteous/wrong, I would want my friend to critique me honestly & tell me that what I'm doing is not right, that kind of feedback. I also have other friends who have a different take on politics that I do; I'm a Democratic liberal; they're conservative Republicans or Fundamentalist Baptists. We have some rather interesting conversations, believe me. "Loyalty" is hard to define in these cases!!

I hold my life partner to a much tougher standard than my friends whether male or female.I am politicaly ,religously,and philosophicaly opposed to some good friends,we share some other bond. That would never work with a SO

I hold my husband to a higher standard than my friends. I know both my husband and my friends are always there for me as I am for them. I have their backs and they have always had mine. However, my husband is my life partner, we share our lives, our space, our dreams together.

I think that all relationships require work and compromises whether it be your intimate relationship or a friendship with your mate or best friends. I have had almost all of my girlfriends for 20+ years and my husband and I have been together for 18 years. I expect honesty and loyalty from all of them. That doesn't mean that I expect we agree on everything.