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Controversial article, but really and truly, as a teenager / young 20 something woman living in Jamaica when the Wailers were driving around island-wide on a 24 hr basis, when Tosh would come from Bluesfield area around the dangerous (western point) of Jamaica.. Bob Marley's woman in those times was Esther.. long time he was finished with Rita. Always always from 1972 and on, the woman that he was always with was Esther. I thought she was his wife, because she was always there and often times Ziggy and Stephen were there with her (Esther) and always under the watchful eye of Familyman, for sure the one and one and one person that seemed to be Bob Marley's best friend and idren and bredren and loved one and brother.
When I was there they had just come back from England and Bunny was flipping out, a true rasta man, he didn't want anything to do with flying around the globe. Peter was (in my opinion) quite pissed off that the management wanted the group to be "Bob Marley.. and the Wailers.."
Lawsuit upon lawsuit, I really feel that Familyman was SCREWED, he way always there for t he group, he was Bob's best friend, always there for him, even watching over his kids. Even during the early time tours, it was totally OVER between Bob Marley and Rita Marley, they had no conversations during these tours, the only communication seemed to be when Bob sang "No Woman No Cry" and would put his arm around Rita. For sure she lucked out being his wife and getting the majority of all of his money when he died. He was DONE with her far before the Wailers gained any kind of fame.

Sharleen ,that is 100% true !!!!!!!!!!! and if it wasn't for Byron Lee he would not have had the chance either.This is when I lived in Ochi Rios at the Carib Ochi and they had a bandstand there.This was closed down to be made into condo's and we had the only one because the others weren't finished BUT Bob and the band would practise there and we had PLENTY !!!of private concerts.Toots would practise there,Gregory Issacs,Freddy MacGregor,Black Uruhuru would practise there,Burnin' Spear would be there because they would all be playing at The Little Pub owned by Byron Lee.None of these bands were known off the island then,or if known it was by a very few.THIS !!!! is the time that the reggae bands should have "caught on" that the rest of the world had cocerts where the headliners came on before 4:00AM.It went right over their heads.In my humble opinion to be a fan of reggae music it was to listen to records because if not you would have to cut your work week down to the 3-31/2 days like the locals because you couldn't be at the concerts and at work at the same time.Non comformity sometimes doesn't do anyone favours.

Thanks for this. The part about the man named John claiming to be his son, and then submitting his birth certificate and it showed he was older than Bob. I can't believe he actually went to the trouble of submitting it - did he think they wouldn't notice?!

Every book, article I have ever read about Bob Marley has been second and third hand information. Even in the interviews i have seen he never seemed to discuss Family, the Wailers, his many indiscretions, his many out side children. Just the music and the Rastafari teachings.

I have several of his books and also Rita Marley's No Woman No Cry. I always thought the song No Woman no Cry was written by Bob for Rita. I based this from her book and an article years ago that Rita did for Essence. Also based on the idea, that it made sense that Rita was there during the beginning, in that Government Yaad in Trench town, also based on the Jamaican life I have come to know.

For those who might know, how accurate is this and if not how far off base was I? I also always felt that as his legal wife Rita had more right to his estate than any of his women,though his children should also share in the benefits. I also remember something that Damien said during a Bob Birthday concert in New York. He basically admitted that Rita is the one who encouraged him to become a singer. Also in reading Ky Mani's book, 'Dear Dad, where is the Family in our Family Today' that he was not totally welcome in the Family. So many stories about this man and his Family but not any in his own words, its hard to know what to believe.

Please point me in the right direction for more books or enlighten me, for tose who know.