
Full Version: Oh what a day..
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Bwoy what a day! I had a bag of stuff that I needed to ship to Kingston for a friend. I spotted Lasting Impressions on the road and was told that I should have the bag there by 4 oclock..but true I had a big day planned going to Little Bay All Age School to meet Luciano. So I carried it down early after pouring my boiling coffee water on my hand. OUCH..ice first then tea tree oil then aloe.

Spent the morning cleaning up and getting road ready. My new friend O and her driver arrived about one and off we went to Little Bay. It was so pretty…the water and the boats and the animals on the road. The road it really rocky back there but soon we arrived at the school.

The Messenger was already singing songs for the group. Monk had posted about this day and invited us to come. It was pure goosebumps and happy tears. He is so powerful and just radiates LOVE.

Lot of other internet freind there too. Luci was so approachable and so kind to everyone that came to him.. The kids you could tell just love him. There was one young man that was talking while Luci was singing. Luci stopped his song and told him to please stop talking. His other 3 friends looked mortified but he still continued his smart ass smile.. When Luci finished he went to the young men and gave them some wisdom.

We all went outside and the picture taking began.! We then were heading back home but decided to stop with Bozz at a little bar just up the road from School. A few beers and then the Luci crew showed up there..we socialized and took yet more pictures. Luci had heard me talking to someone and asked if I can speak patios…Yes mi say! He told me that he loves my spirit! :o) We took one more shot with Oya for my friend Donna.

Took the Little London way back home. Stopped by Ms P;s for chicken to carry back to room. Then to scotia to get some cash…machine broke..O and Mr T aka Morgan Freeman dropped me off..What a wonderful was had by ALL.

Did my dinner and tuned into a little American Idol. The kids were here too watching and making noise! I decided to start a book…although it’s really hard for me to shut down Jamaica and get in a book..SO many things to see, people to meet and kids to luv up. Sleep came early.

Woke this morning to my phone ringing. I am borrowing Monday’s phone for the week and he was getting an early call from Sunshine.. Mi know sunshine too…of course I had to tell her about my DAY..then said I was going back to bed. Not so much…Got up and made coffee without pouring the boiling water on my hand. Monday showed up and we visited.

Chatted about the soup kitchen. He grows the veggies for it and helps out there 2-3 days a week. True him get no money but can eat veggies on those days. He said that they feed 200 a day..and lots of able people are using it for a daycare. He said the owner/priest is a white mon and true him don’t know..just too kind hearted. Lots of older or sickly people that could use it rather than some able body person that sits down all day.

He is one of the first security guards at Miss Lena’s..and I always remember saying that “he has a way with the flowers dem” I was showing off my pictures from yesterday and there was one big hibiscus blooming on my porch that I had snapped a picture of…He said that is from your porch..for true it catch my eyes too..He picked it before he left to share with someone else.

Not sure what is up for today…but it will be Great! Enjoy your day!

Sounds like a fabulous and blessing filled day! I would love to see and meet Luciano in person. He is an inspiration and love pours out of that man! I can't wait to see your pictures, Dawn....thanks so much for sharing, again Smile

very glad to have you guys come out and many thanks for your donation to the school! that will not go unsung or unpraised.

luciano has a huge spirit, we had a lot of reasoning and philosophy going around it was pretty amazing to connect with an artist who can say he is what he sings about.

i gave him a lot of props for coming right out in the middle of his set and volunteering to come back for a fundraiser right then and there, and leaving both his personal phone number and personal email in the visitor book. huge move. needless to say, we'll be working very closely with him in the future on a number of projects.

first thing we would like to do is set up a closed retreat, just luciano and a certain number of fans, as a really serious fundraiser. we're looking at a number of properties who might be interested in something like this- take a weekend and you are embedded with the artiste. acoustic sets, Q&As, that kind of thing.