
Full Version: So Many Good Threads
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I want to respond to but no time. Sad Sorry guys for being MIA. Working a lot of overtime again but hey that's good for my pocket even if I don't like it none. LOL My grandbabies are coming in from Washington April 29th so I'm super excited and overtime is good so I can spoil them bad while they here. I'll be taking off work because I can not miss one minute of their visit. It's been almost two years since I squeezed them up. Anyways been feeling bad because I haven't had time to even read half of the post much less respond and wanted to give you all a shout out. Thanks for keeping Jamericans going and being the best boardies ever. You guys really do ROCK trust me. There is not another board that could go unmonitored without it turning into a war zone within a day but Jamericans can because of all of you here that keep the vibe going. You all make me very proud believe me. So even though you don't hear from me I just wanted you all to know I'm still thinking about you and feeling pretty dam good about having so many good people supporting myself and Jamericans. xoxoxo

A big thanks to you Tammy for providing us with this forum to speak like adults and to speak the truth. I think because we have this freedome we respect it and try not to hurt others feelings.

Enjoy those grand babies when they come! Can't wait to see pictures as I am sure they have grown big!!