
Full Version: Diary of a Ghetto Priest
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I read this article today in the Gleaner from Richard Ho Lung. This section really resonated with me:

"Critical voices are seen as adversaries in Jamaica. To differ, to disagree, and to be critical makes of us enemies, whereas love is built on the foundation of truth. Unless we can be critical of our own, we cannot have genuine love.

I find in leadership, whether it be church or politics, too much talk, too many words, too much rhetoric; promises not kept, emotions without reality, too much pride and not enough reality. The rich use politics, politics use the rich, Christians use words, and words do not become flesh. Therein lies our Jamaican tragedy - all appearances and pretenses. "Between the conception and the reality lies the shadow."

Yes Wit...ah tru dat!!

~ wit ~ wrote:

'without reality, too much pride and not enough reality. The rich use politics, politics use the rich, Christians use words, and words do not become flesh. Therein lies our Jamaican tragedy - all appearances and pretenses. "Between the conception and the reality lies the shadow." '

your words speak the truth . . . i can't cound how often i hear the word "respect" . . . i am positive the persons speaking that word have no clue what it means 'cause they certainly don't practice it.