
Full Version: Fatty Update 2
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We saw Fatty and Debbie yesterday, they both look good, he was feeling hungry, enjoyed a couple meals.

Nothing new to report on his condition yet. They do have primary and travel insurance coverage and the companies have been very proactive about his case. We helped Deb make a list of questions to ask the insurance companies and the hospital.

I talked to Debbie this morning, they let him out of bed for a shower! Now if he can get outside for a while and sit in the sun...

Mobay Hope looked like a decent facility, they seem like more of a stabilization center.

I just want to say, they don't want to leave JA if they don't have to, and they don't have enough answers yet to know if he can get what he needs here. PLEASE don't start/continue a diatribe of 'he needs to get out of there' in this thread.

Just good vibes!

If Fatty feels comfortable and wants to stay in Jamaica then that is his choice. I can only Pray it is the right one. Sounds like he is doing OK and for that I am Thankful. Please give him my love and thanks for the update.