
Full Version: Donkey race day pics
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and we're OFF !!
Walked the beach this year to the races and the beach walkers were out in force. i arrived feb. 1st and the races were held on the 13th, and i hadn't seen this many folks out on the beach since i had arrived. back in august it was slow slow...i was anxiously waiting for feb. (high season) to actually see how the economy was going to be here then. so sad to see the drop in tourists, roads bare of tourists walking, restaurants empty, not so many folks at the bars (beach or cliffs). wasn't even seeing any signs of spring break happenings posted anywhere when i was leaving (feb.25)like i had seen last year. Bourbon beach was pretty much non-existent. Alfred nights were bare along with Roots Bamboo the night i set out to see Frankie Paul.
i'm rambling, lets get back to the donkey races which i had heard did better this year than last.
sorry, don't remember the first 2 folks name. then theres boardie Addena,Laurie,April and St.Louis Sally heading to the races.

Damians daughter...so cute !

I was lucky to be there that day, had a great time too.