
Full Version: World Famous Annual Rotary Club Cup Donkey Races!
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OK! What you've all been anxiously awaiting with baited breath!

3D Photos of this years donkey races!!


You don't need any 3D glasses to see one of our two 3D slide-shows there but you do need some to view the best one. So go there and watch the no-glasses 3D slide-show and see how you like it. Also, you will find out how to quickly get a free pair of 3D glasses from us at our sister website in Chicago -


If you mention Jamaericans.net, the best message board on Negril, we'll even send you 2 free pairs!!!

We believe that 3D is the best way to show off beautiful Negril and Jamaica to the tourist world and as we can we will be posting more great 3D images on our Vidia to do so.

We hope you enjoy these amazing action 3D photos.

I was there talking with Forrester and he had that Cam! I'll try and post my video of a race.

See if that works