
Full Version: Looking for a photo view of.....
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Good morning~

I have a friend who is an incredible artiste, who is doing a drawing and she has asked me for a photo taken from the hills above Roaring River looking down to the flat lands or looking down to the village. I have gone through the photos I have and can't seem to find one that would work. I went to Roaring River earlier this week and took one, but the growth of the trees has blocked some of the view.

If anyone has such a picture and it really doesn't have to be of from Roaring River, just that type of view & would be willing to let a young artiste use it as a reference for a drawing, would you please post it here.

Give thanks, I know so many people have great photos from Jamaica.

It's hard, I tried to take some from up above Benji's and this is the best I could do with cutting down trees.....

The school up in Orange Hill provides a nice elevation to shoot the flats.