
Full Version: Feb 26 weekly check on the "other"
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I just read about pickey eating kids.I always told my kids what isn't what you want today will be really good tomorrow.My mother would say "If you don't like it, go and kill something else for yourself"

LOL@OT!....growing up, we always had to eat what was put on the table also, whether we liked it or not....I think my mom & dad growing up during the depression had something to do with that. I can remember the "aroma" of sauerkraut cooking at least once a week, which I hated, but knew I had to eat a portion of....used to mix it with my potatoes so I wouldn't taste it as much. Haven't eaten it since I left home at 19.

Funny how your tastes change as you grow older.....I can think of very few foods that I really dislike now, except, of course, sauerkraut!

One thing I've noticed about Jamaicans is how picky they are about trying new foods....as strict as Jamaican parents are, I know many mothers who will cook more than one meal just to satisfy their picky children, inforcing that "pickiness". I actually know one Jamaican woman who has never eaten a mango or an avocado because she doesn't like how they look!!!.....that would have never worked in our house!