
Full Version: excuse my ignoance but !!!entrapment
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Why would they pick him for entrapment? What did he really have to offer? Money...I don't think so...debt ridden father of 15 ya right,what a man.I love oldtime reggae,I like Buju BUT most of the world could give a rat's ass about it.The way the "reggae stars" act it almost says that Bob Marley actually was a 1 hit wonder.Where did Buju make all his money,Rebel Salute,a bar in Florida,a free concert in NYC...the man had no money..isn't entrapment meant to catch or catch and release for a gain ?????
LR my mother said "fly with the crows,get shot with the crows"
If the guy was tested for coke and found negative and they found out he was faithful to his wife and paid for all his kids MAYBE ....all this might not have happened.
I wonder which gang he will join when he's of "celebrity lockdown"
"from this likkle cell in Florida,
I write this song for you"

Just before you say anything Wit,I see I spelled "ignorance" wrong...that damn "karma"...hehehe