
Full Version: Jamaica Movie-Dancehall Queen
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Has anyone watched Dancehall Queen and if so, what are you thoughts about the movie?

If you have not seen it, you can stream it from Netflix or google around to find it.

I'll reserve my comments for now even though I've watched it before and I'm now watching it for a second time with weird thought running through my head.

Share the thought eco, what did you think of the movie. Lucky for me Jamaican movies are not blocked from Jamaica.

I think it was my first J. movie. Back then so much I didn't understand, but now....... I see it in a totally different light. Think I'll watch it again.

I saw Audry Reid (mother) perform in a stage play few years back at the Little Theater in New Kingston. Now a stage play in Jamaica is a whole new interesting experience, especially if you don't understand patwa.

And Paul Campbell can do no wrong even when he is the villain.