
Full Version: Lucky trip #13 not so lucky....
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Not superstitious but was a little leery about trip#13....
Things started out great....freezing rain to start off the day with 11 cars in the ditch on the way in to work but managed to get through okay, � didn't fall on the ice in the slippery parking lot, got my boarding passes printed thanks to a great neighbour, got off to Toronto in the sunshine with no traffic problems, checked into the stopover hotel and scored a front row parking spot for the week. � Next morning, airport shuttle right on time...no stops straight to the airport, no problems checking bags in...buzzed right through, plane leaves right on schedule and gets us to Montego Bay in record time....1/2 hour early.....buzzed through customs and our luggage was already waiting and finally...out into the blazing hot sun!! Smile
So what could go wrong?????
Well, this is where our luck changed....
Our driver is nowhere to be found....called him and found out he was stuck in traffic and would be about a 1/2 hour...no problem, mon...we'll have a couple Red Stripes and wait.....
Alfred pulls up with his van and off we go....oops, he forgot to stop at the Texaco for beer....no problem, mon....we stop along the way in Hanover and buy some.
We crack an ice, cold Red Stripe and watch the lush, green scenery go by.
Just as we are starting to get in the vibe, we hear boom, boom, boom...little hot rod behind us has the music cranked so high we can hear his bass in our van! No problem, mon...he stops at Lady Hamilton resort to pick up his girlfriend and his noise pollution is gone....
Next noise we hear......BANG!!!!! What the hell was that?? Broken beer bottles on the floor of the van from the impact...Alfred's cursing up a storm "rastaclot, bleep, bleep...."
I turn around and see Hot rod guy has not only caught up to us but has rammed us from behind!!!
So....make a long story short...off to Lucea police station to file a report and an hour or so later, we are back on our way to Negril.
Happy to say we did indeed arrive safely...beer buzz was definitely gone and we feel absolutely horrible for the nightmare insurance problem Alfred is faced with but hopefully our luck will change now Smile
Gotta go get my swimsuit on cause I'm roasting in the sun...so talk to you all later!
Dana and Chip in Negril

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hey there thanks for the report! sorry about the accident and sorry to Alfred. Uggh. Enjoy that sun!!!