
Full Version: My kind of trip report
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He hit so many of my favorite places. He literally circumnavigated the island, using route taxis and a LOT of hiking.

Prices are so helpful too....


I enjoyed that entire trip report - thanks for posting the link.
I've had some experience traveling around the island via route taxi, once from Buff's Bay/John Crowe Mountain area to Negril. They "babied" me though, making sure that I got on the right next van to be on. All seemed to be circular set ups with the mini vans, lots of cooked food to be had.. not too much waiting time between arriving/leaving. Though reaching Mobay after dark I asked the driver to drop me off at the entrance to the airport, he kindly drove me right in, with other passengers moaning (made me feel weird). I figured that I could find a taxi driver I knew at the airport and didn't want to be in Mobay waiting for the minivan to Lucea. I lucked out too! Found a driver I used long ago who hooked me up to a cheap ride. The owners of Nirvana were arriving I think their plane was delayed and I got to hitch a ride with their driver.
I'm LONGING for Jamaica !!! We've had a nasty winter here in upstate New York this year. My very long driveway has been a sheet of ice, though thawing out today for the first time.