
Full Version: School supply store for us boardies
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Someone will go to Sav or Montego Bay, scoop up a whole mess of school supplies/art supplies, etc. and bring all the goodies to Negril.
Then, us tourist, when we have a free day,
1. shake off the sand gravity
2. go to the school supply holding facility
3. pick up supplies for the same amount$ as they were purchased.

4. We all jump in a "party/good time bus" and go on a field trip to a school in need for a pass out and visit.

This will help the local business/stores IN Jamaica.
You will not have to worry about "smuggling " things in your suitcase.

Who knows, maybe we can get a "wholesale" price from the stores for buying in bulk.

Now true, a nice visit on your own to Sav or some other place, may be more to your liking, but we must get the job done.
One way or another.

Just another idea from yours truly.

Just dreaming good thoughts.

Your views are entirely welcome.

As I see it Markospoon.......Your a great guy.