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I witnessed something yesterday that made my blood boil.

On the beach - a young blind man using a stick to help him navigate, approached where we were sitting, with his hand held out. He didn't speak but moved along slowly and bumped into a log, where he sat down. My friend went over and offered him some money, but he said he only wanted some water. My other friend bought a bottle of water for him.

Right away, several young jet ski "representatives" started taunting him - poking him and running away, calling him names and grabbing his water bottle and spilling the water out, as he was stumbling around trying to get away.

I was furious and let them have it. Basically called them a crew of F*cking A$$holes. I told them six-year-old children exhibit better behaviour than they do. They were laughing and saying they were "just having fun". I said "I would never give you my business". They couldn't understand why?? I said because you are a bunch of heartless jerks.

And get this: besides the four or five A-holes, there was an older man and an older woman both taking in all of this and laughing right along with them.

I'm still fuming.

hmmmm. He was there in December as well and yes, we gave him some money. Not much but a couple of dollars. I still wonder though just how blind is he and do the beach guys know something we don't. Don't mean to offend but I do wonder...

Certainly not condoning their actions, it is my feeling that Jamaicans tend to be far more understanding and compassionate of the elderly, disability and even drug use.

Boy, that makes my blood boil too. I just don't understand this sort of behavior; cruel to the point of brutality, how can you kick someone, when they're down, especially? I mean, this sort of behavior is bad enough when it's done to somebody who is not in any way handicapped, but at least that person can either stand up for him/herself or flee. However, this gentleman, with his physical handicap, is vulnerable & should be shown the best, most righteous treatment by others & HELPED, not hindered or taunted!! Makes me furious beyond. . .well. . .I don't know what. I'd like to say that this could've been a ~teachable moment~ for the young men, but it was not to be!

And don't tell us that this behavior is "OK" because it is "a cultural issue." I know many Jamaicans who would neva eva do this & who would not tolerate it! Age is obviously no excuse, besides the probably older couple who were contributing to it all by their laughing.

I would've let 'em have it too, Sundowner. Plus talked with their boss/supervisor, or business owner, if I could've found him too! Man!!!!