
Full Version: Another police shooting
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I just heard some sad news. If any of you read my trip reports, in one of them I talked about going to a Sunday Night Lobster Fest in Green Island. It is a very local thing and there is a guy who has a little place by the water and opens it up to all the fishermen on Sundays for free lobster. We had an awesome night there. A lot of the police also attend the Sunday night fest there regularly.

I just heard from my friends that this past Sunday, they were cooking up the lobsters as per normal. There were several police officers there again. The owner went into his office and one of the officers followed him in there. Only the officer came out alive. Nobody knows specifically what happened as obviously there were no witnesses. Only the, now deceased, owner and the officer were in the office. The police have said nothing, only that the matter is "under investigation." And none of the locals want to push it or ask too many questions for fear of their own lives.

When will it end!!!!

OMG someone has to do something. The people have to take a stand because it is only going to get worse. I know that is easy to say from afar but I could never live that way. The fear will never stop it will only intensify. GOD help the people of Jamaica.
There has got to be more we can do as visitors and people who love our Jamaican Brothers and Sisters? We have got to help somehow? I can't stand this just sitting and talking about it and doing absolutely nothing.