
Full Version: Works Better on Phone Now
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I'm able to view the site on my phone without the white text. I'm not seeing error messages except in a couple cases (like search), but even those have been whittled down to a small number. Getting there.

Please post errors you're seeing in this thread, thanks!
Last night the site wasn't working for me. I could get the main page up, but not the forum. 
No big deal, just passing the info. Today it's all working again. 
Same thing this morning. Nothing worked, now it all seems to work. Weird stuff. 
Thanks for the heads up, I don't know why it may have been down, I haven't made any changes lately, so maybe it was just some issue with the service provider.
Yeah it's weird. Still very wonky for me. Pretty much every day, it doesn't work at all for some portion of the day.