
Full Version: We were so close
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Seemed like things were being fixed, but not quite yet. 

Soon come? 
I'm not so sure although I appreciate Dread's efforts.

Right now it says N75, myself, and 68 guests are using the site and we know that can't be right.

Wondering if some member housecleaning wouldn't help. There are scores of members who haven't logged in since 2014, 2015, 2016 for example.

Still no views being recorded.

And no sign of Cardboard Box who has been one of the most consistent presences over the last few years.

93 guests supposedly browsing this forum this morning.
Hey guys, yes I did get rid of a bunch of accounts to see if it would help. I'm going to try to block out some time to work on it some more. Seems like some peoply have trouble responding to threads, but here I am looking at your responses and adding my own...go figure. Anyway, I'll try fixing the obvious errors I can see.