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I enjoyed his cheapness .
I've wondered the same. He was/is a funny character, and I appreciated his pea brain (his words) ramblings. 
Smith was a really nice gentleman. I spent part of a weekend with him in Washington D.C. in 2008

cool pic !!!
Yeah, I really enjoyed his posts over on Bobby's World. Nice pic!
We may never know the truth, but rumor has it that while walking down a lane to find a cobbler to patch his worn out sandals Bill picked up a seemingly discarded Cash Pot receipt only to discover the numbers on the winning ticket matched his birthday. When he looked up from the ticket with a shocked expression he saw a woman drinking from a water pipe looking at him and given his thirst he inquired as to whether he might have some pipe water. When she obliged Bill handed her the ticket and with a smile headed down the lane scolding the goats who had foolishly gotten themselves wrapped tight to their stake. "Look at dat other goat with lots of rope," he said with a wave of his arm. The goat bleeted its anguish. Bill took a picture of the protesting goat and named it Kid Rock.

As he got closer to the cobbler shop a beggar approached and engaged him in conversation for five minutes before asking for some J's. They debated the merits of the request for another five minutes at which time they came to an overstanding that neither of them was in a position to help the other financially so they parted as brothers.

As he entered the cobbler shop a dog jump out menacingly with gnashing teeth. Bill's heart skip a beat as he stepped back only to realize the dog was securely chained. The dog's chain was unsurprisingly wrapped around its stake and quite short. Bill took a picture. The dog's name would have to wait.

The cobbler examined Bill's sandals and after cleaning the dust and dirt began stitching a leather patch from a discarded purse. Bill took another picture.

Stories about the inquisitive photographer had been discussed outside stoops and curbs about town and the general concensus was the photographer must be CIA.

The cobbler has since embellished his story many times over becoming a bit of a celebrity retelling the tale of how his dog got the name Sexy Rexy.
A story doesn't have to be true to be good .
Cool story, true or not. The CIA comment reminded me of our first visit to Negril in 2006.

Our first few trips I used a driver named Charles. We would just go for drives and he would show me things he was proud of and introduce me to friends and family. One morning we were out for a drive when we came across a small garage like structure that had some interesting graffiti on the walls so I asked Charles to stop so I could take a few photos. Almost immediately I heard someone screaming and figured they were screaming at me but I could not understand what they were saying because it was in patois. I sheepishly walked back to the car, but Charles got out of the car and started talking to the woman and explained I was a tourist and was not causing any trouble. He came back to the car to say she wanted to meet me. I ended up spending some time with her and her family and took some photos of them all. I told her if possible I would find a way to get her copies of the photos. As we drove away Charles told me she was concerned I might have been with the U.S. government, possibly CIA. We ended up returning to Negril 3 months later so I made up some prints and we drove to her home to deliver them and she was thrilled.

We returned to Negril in 2019 for the first time in 10 years but I could never locate Charles again so I had no idea where the woman lived. 

We are returning to Negril in January so  posted my story with some photos on a Facebook page dedicated to the resort we stay at because there are a number of drivers on the page I was hoping a driver might know Charles. Someone on that page, not a driver, posted the photo on a Facebook page called Capital of Casual and it turned out Charles daughter saw the post. She messaged me that Charles lives in the U.S. now but wanted to hear from we. I called and we chatted but he couldn't really remember where the woman lived. Two days later I get a message from another Facebook user that posted the photos on another Jamaica related page where someone knew the son of the woman and the son got me her cell number.

We have now chatted and she was thrilled that I was searching for her and she has even invited us to stay at her home while in Jamaica. I thanked her very much but told her my wife is spoiled by the oceanfront room on the beach but I really appreciated the offer. She has a very nice home. She sends me voice messages on Whatsapp often because she says she like to hear my voice when I return the message.

I am really looking forward to visting Auntie Perry next month.

Simply ganja influenced creative writing on my part. But close enough to make you think it was true.
Great stories Bruce and Firemon!
As OT pointed out a story doesn't have to be truthful to be a good story but it is always nice when a story is good and truthful combined.
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