
Full Version: mango trivia - sugar
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Advertisement on youtube said to avoid 3 foods: Bananas, Grapes, Mangos
because of their high sugar content. A mango, it said, has 146 grams of sugar - same as 3 candy bars.

I've had mangos off the tree in Jamaia. Death by mango/sugar seams a reasonable tradeoff. LOL

I like the highest sugar content one, if true, bananas, for its potasium (sp?). My Mom ended up in the ER with a diagnosis of low potasium once
i think i od'd on mango once
me to !!!!! If you don't have to shower after eating mangoes then you didn't eat any . Juice everywhere ! Best fruit ever ,, next to cherries !!!!
Love 'em but like OT said they are so messy to eat.  Gotta go for a swim to clean up.