
Full Version: Where did the selector's go ?
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Just askin'
I dont know what the others are doing, but I have been hunting “wabbits”. Bastards ate all my green bean vines...left me with likkle green toothpicks. Mind ya, they were all beautiful and thriving one day, and literally overnight gone. Put on my Elmer Fudd hat, refortified the perimeters, and of coarse replanted. Not hard finding the culprit, he couldn't fit to go back down the wabbit hole!
Been meaning to post but thought everyone might want a break from my stuff and also give so e space to pro pt others to come out of the shadows!
This is for you DtoT per prior info provided:

One more time? Ya see I did read and pay attention DTOT!

Lol...a little bit country blues thingy

This one is for the rabbit...my theme song

I could have used Stevies version...but I love me some Buddy....gonna do the older studio version next...just for comparison

Anyone up and down the east coast and as far over as NOLA should have heard or seen this guy, an old friend of mine Mark Wenner (harpist) The Nighthawks...this is a vintage recording but he is still kicking

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