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The original email in March about my 4/13 flight might have been a little lame (humor?)  since they decided not to fly at all.
They did it again today for my rebooked 6/7 flight, but I'm in a moral delemma and would like some guidance or opinions.

Considering that one good USA friend's image of JA medical care is not a place for a 70 yo during the C-19 crisis (or for anything more complex than needing a band-aid), and
Considering 5 days after getting back we have our yearly camping trip, with a risk of bringing (very) foreign germs to the camp site,

Would you go in June or wait till July?

Rebooking using my same June dates would cause the airline to swallow a $350 difference, while rebooking to July dates would cause me to shell out $70.
You can guess they cancelled only my one flight down but are still flying (more $$) that day, and there is availabilty on the same return flight, that too now being more expensive.

Thrifty (poor) I am, but price is no object. I can be very happy watching the Mango tree grow for a week, but of course there is the public bus and plane and airport and supermarket. It wouldn't be the first time I felt I was the ony foreign in Negril, and I'm not a beach person anyway. I just want to visit my friends.

Would anyone wait until even later to see how the situation pans out, ie zero cases? I don't foresee that in PA/USA for a long time, the world maybe not until there is a pill.
PM of Jamaica is reluctant to even let Jamaican citizens and residents that are currently out of country, back into Jamaica. I am wondering if non-residents/tourist will be let into the country at all till maybe Sept. Who knows at this point in time as the pandemic is still in flux everywhere and Jamaica has just seen an increase in the number of people currently in country testing positive.
Time will tell as they often say!
Kylake, thanks for the input. I therefore have concluded that I should seek out the Jamaican press, as well as keep tabs of the virus-count locally.
I don't think I have much fear of being in an incubator (aluminum shell of captive people) if I practice 'due diligence.'
How the government of Negril (yea, yea, Jamaica) is dealing with their problem, and any restrictions on arriving passengers (ie, stuck at the airport for 14 days. They would make a movie about that - stranded. LOL) certainly should have a bearing.
Sometime what is obvious is missed. That's why a word in passing can mean so much.
I'm fairly certain my friends are limiting their contacts, but people do have to go shopping, etc.
And I think back of myself just today, entertaining my 'girl day worker' for 4 hours inside my house. One does forget the seriousness of all this C-19 too easily, especially if no one is showing symptoms.
So with my latest plane ticket cancelled and not rebooked, I'll just let things slide. But for how long?
What is very, very, very disturbing is the lack of any, even if only one word postings, on this subject as a result of my plea on this board. I'm ashamed, I'm upset. I think maybe there are only 6 people on this board. I know the cities and I know the countries of the visitors to this board, and I know a few people WILL post when it is appropiate - for they HAVE on various subjects at various times. I also know I like to entertain, to share, but when the chips are down and some guidence is needed, it's hard when the inferred reacation is "I don't give a $hit about anyone else." Not even a private message. I know, I know, one should not do a favor expecting some kind of thanks, but I'll leave you with this fable, if that's the word.

Person #2 needed help but person #1 said 'that doesn't affect me, why should I bother.'
Person #3 needed help but person #1 said 'that doesn't affect me, why should I bother.'
Person #4 needed help but person #1 said 'that doesn't affect me, why should I bother.'
This went on and on till finally
Person #1 needed help and he looked around but there was no one willing to help him.

Moral of the story? If you are afraid of breaking some eggs, maybe you should have bought the cow.

Doesn't make sense? Wasn't meant to. That's the problem.

One 4 AM was fun. Anyone remember reading that?
This 4 AM was not fun.
view count 120
don't go !!!!
thank you. I won't. I was going to rip out my rant but I decided to look at the statistics first. We are a small sub-set of the ones who visit the happy news site, which is fine, and I suspect 3 or 4 visitors are automated web crawlers. Two of those I can understand but one, well, I expect that if I bad mouth China one more time, someday soon a wonton will blow up in my takeout so as to silence me.
We have a trip booked for the end of September - mid October and have not cancelled anything. I would like to be optimistic, but in reality, I have very little hope that the trip will happen as planned.

A few years ago, I was injured in Jamaica....dumb accident with no alcohol involved, LOL. That experience proved to me that Jamaica is not a place to need medical attention. I do not believe that tourists should be so glib about traveling as soon as possible. Health systems around the world are struggling to meet the needs of everyone. Why place that additional burden on Jamaica's health systems?

I worry about my friends and family in Jamaica as I know they are struggling and I wish that I could somehow make it better for them. I am "lucky" in the respect that I work an "essential" job and there is no interruption in my income or health benefits and I have a healthy savings account. Many (not just in Jamaica) are not so lucky.

This will pass and we will all start travelling again. In the meantime, we need to remember that we are all in this together and that we need to practice patience and kindness to others. We also need to show support for our own communities. Jamaica will be there with open arms when we figure out how to tame this nasty virus.

Until then, keep yourselves healthy, be kind (even on this message board) and tolerant of others. Remember that the entire world is suffering right now and we just need to make it thru this.

Take a few minutes today to think about all the things you are thankful for. Do a little dance in the sunshine. Sing like no one is listening. Pull out old photos or reach back in your memory and find something to smile about. Do something kind for someone in need. Pray for those who are so very sick at this moment.
Bring back firemon. 
Unless you plan on sneaking to shore on your own boat, I doubt you will be going in June or July. Covid numbers are still rising in Jamaica, until we see a long trend of downwards, good luck.