
Full Version: How to Escape to Jamaica Right Now — Digitally
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We have our own way of digitally escaping.
My wife has every photo from every trip we ever took together on computer, most of which up until last week haven't been looked at since first downloading them (for the most part).
Last weekend we hooked her computer to our biggest TV, poured beverages and started to look at the pictures. Never did any particular order of trips, started with our 3 weeks in Europe (my first time) back in 2015. We had over 500 photos so it took awhile to get through them all, and brought back some great memories.
Lots more trips to look at, only "bad" thing is our last couple Negril vacations we don't have nearly as many photos, don't even bring a camera anymore.

Something I did on my own a couple weeks ago was go back and read the trip report from our time in Port Antonio (on this very site). Without tooting my own horn it is fairly entertaining.
Great plan !!!! I remember the report .
I remember the report also Tim and it was a fine report with very nice pictures. You are lucky to have a photo library like that. I basically put this up for people that might not have the vast photo library you have and also because if you read the article there will be some interesting live cooking demonstrations, wellness sessions, etc which might be interesting in our C -19 stay at home environment.