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I did a search using duckduckgo and saw this result, even though the page linked to at psychologytoday.com did NOT contain the same text (circa 2009):

A snarky remark penetrates just those parts of a person's reputation that are most vulnerable to criticism and misunderstanding -- the sensitive parts of oneself that, when illuminated and ridiculed, can stop a person cold, or send them to bed, to drink, or into a state of humiliation and self-doubt

However, Forbes gives this definition:
Sep 8, 2017 A well-timed witty comment among friends is good humor. But passive-aggressive comments that mask anger lurking just beneath the surface constitute snark. Sometimes, snarky comments involve backhanded compliments like, "You look good for someone your age." Snark also includes cynical comments...

Witty comment? Great. Friends? Hummm. Sometimes intended humor is misunderstood.
Try this: Cooking food seems a good idea but some people are perplexed on how to boil water.
I didn't realize that " snarky remarks " carried this much weight . My problem is being Capt. of a 45ft boat 100 miles from land and trying to fish . there are no please,s or thank you,s because most of the time the last word in this type of order is "now " .This leads to the type of personality that can come home with you and then you can be misunderstood very easily as being bossy . I personally rise to the occasion instandly . This is sometimes good but sometimes not so good . Since this is a board that most of the time revolves around Ja . I react to " respect mon " " I remember you " etc in a way that most times is very quick . As I get older the piece of real estate ( personal space ) I'm protecting get's harder to do . I'll give anyone 15 seconds of my time but that's it . I'll die for my crew , I'll try my best to protect the underdog , I buy water and food for people that really need it and love doing it .Whoops there goes my running on about something .
Someone constantly being snarky with the same person over and over or making them the butt of the joke is being a bully period. I have dealt with it in years past from a certain person that I finally had to attend to outside of the internet to stop it. It's not fun to deal with and quite embarrassing at times. What you are speaking of OT is not the same at all. I have never seen you picking on anyone. That's not who you are. 
weight? (or in todays computerspeak spelling, wait. LOL)
I didn't know what " snarky remarks " even meant which is why I looked it up. But because I knew OT did not mean "let's dump on people and make them uncomfortable about posting", I created this new thread (to share the learned definition.)

I specifically did not put the definition onto the original thread because I didn't want to come across as a challange. Yea, that's a good word.

I wish more of the 100 plus people visiting every day would pitch in a few words. Not here, but anywhere.

I did supress an (edit: was 'and') urge to post "I bet the dog was happy too" in that warm story about the cancer diagnosis. I also refrained from adding a tangent item of a 70 year old lady who putts around in an electric wheel chair who said she was going to die, that the doctor told her so, but what tore my heart out hearing her third sentence of "I don't want to die."

I don't even know her name, much like some characters you see in Negril regularly.

Thinking like a boat captain (my snarky remark? LOL), I asked if her financial affairs were in order. She lamented that she didn't have enough saved for a tombstone. That backfired on me. She wasn't hitting me with a "beg you J$1000" like someone in Negril might do, but I'm trying to lighten up this paragraph with that people won't know when you're gone if they don't even know you were here.
I mean, I've always read the back and forth between CBB and FM as being light hearted ribbing from both parties. Not bullying. If both people involved are saying the same, then what's the issue? If this place is going to just shut down anything of the sort, what's the point? I've always appreciated that this site doesn't censor people, let's not start now? 
(01-22-2020, 10:20 AM)TAH Wrote: [ -> ]I mean, I've always read the back and forth between CBB and FM as being light hearted ribbing from both parties. Not bullying. If both people involved are saying the same, then what's the issue? If this place is going to just shut down anything of the sort, what's the point? I've always appreciated that this site doesn't censor people, let's not start now? 

Problem being it wasn't light hearted and both parties were not comfortable. I been getting emails regarding this for a long time and refrained from getting involved until now. Saying "both" parties is a bit of a stretch from what I have seen. I personally feel since everyone is GROWN that maybe an apology was warranted to the person hurt/offended/felt bullied and then just move on. Really it's not that serious unless you feel the need to continue it and then well no need for an apology, just pack up your toys and go I guess which looks to me that is exactly what one party did. I'm trying not to be too pissed off but honestly I am. This board has been kept going for one reason and that is so oldtimers had a place to hangout and just shoot the shit about whatever. Keep in touch and be a constant for one another. I can't monitor this board and the people that have been here always monitored themselves. At this point, I feel disrespected and that has me pissed off. If the board is not going to be used then it might as well be shut down, it's not free. 
What the hell did I miss ??? I have no idea what you guys are talking about..or should I ???
What the heck did I miss also?
I shared a definition I had just learned. Period. OK, ok, maybe an implied "I don't think you meant to use that word", but that's all.

Since things are (what's the opposite of implied? Inferred.) inferred, IMO the high priestess *** of this board might have drawn the wrong conclussion of this thread (string of posts) going down the tubes.
Everything is groovy.

*** footnote. I could have used the word 'owner' but I used priestess in a lovable way. See the fine movie "Contact" where the star is called the high priestess of the dessert.

I'm looking for a place to write "Your mother wears combat boots" but I gotta pick the right place. I'd hate to find out I said that to someone who's mother lost both her feet to frostbite.

PS via edit; thanks for your 15 seconds OT. Smile I think bottled water is too expensive but I'll let you buy me a beer. LOL
CBB..I'm not sure if it is a language barrier but I'm not understanding what you are talking about . Don't take this anything but the fact I am lost on your reply . English is not my 1st language . I'm trying but I don't get it ???
(01-22-2020, 05:35 PM)Tammy Wrote: [ -> ]Problem being it wasn't light hearted and both parties were not comfortable. I been getting emails regarding this for a long time and refrained from getting involved until now. Saying "both" parties is a bit of a stretch from what I have seen. I personally feel since everyone is GROWN that maybe an apology was warranted to the person hurt/offended/felt bullied and then just move on. Really it's not that serious unless you feel the need to continue it and then well no need for an apology, just pack up your toys and go I guess which looks to me that is exactly what one party did. I'm trying not to be too pissed off but honestly I am. This board has been kept going for one reason and that is so oldtimers had a place to hangout and just shoot the shit about whatever. Keep in touch and be a constant for one another. I can't monitor this board and the people that have been here always monitored themselves. At this point, I feel disrespected and that has me pissed off. If the board is not going to be used then it might as well be shut down, it's not free. 

Fair enough, I guess I mis-read the exchanges. No disrespect intended.