
Full Version: New Project For Negril Morass
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I think this is good news. At least initial reading of the article inspired some hope. But I admit to getting lost in the alphabet soup of agencies involved and am not sure what they are actually going to "DO". (at least I didn't see "synergy" or "force multiplier").

"Earth Today | New Project Promises Restoration For Negril Morass"
What does this mean ???
My friend was at the meeting. Basically they are going to try to un-do what they did years ago when they drained it. So yeah its a good thing...but....

The plans for "New Negril" will undo all the environmental "good" re-wetting the Morass will do by seriously over-burdening the infrastructure - water, roads, etc. Nine story hotels along the cost from Orange Bay through Green Island as well as new housing (needed, but?)...considering the water source for ALL of Negril is IN Hanover (Logwood) it will be interesting to see what they come up with as they have "agreed" to source their own water?
you are so right !!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I think of morass, I think swamp. I can not imagine how one drains a swamp except for 'land fill.'

I am not aware of anything which is unique to the Negril area morass, but the article says there is, per the quote "... supporting internationally significant species, many of which are found nowhere else ...." meaning the morass among the ten islands.

One quote, "... the value of the biodiversity resources in terms of economic development opportunities as well as their importance for sustainable livelihoods," sounds like dredging so hotels can be built on a lagoon.

I was fine (ie un-informed and un-opinated and quiet) with whatever they did in the past, and will be here too, as long as a Chinese firm does not get the contract AND the country gets value for the money spent.
They drained the Morass basically by digging canals and released the water into the sea. You can see one of those canals from the road heading towards Green Island - it looks like a river but its not.

Over the years the Morass has become dry enough where it spontaneously combusts on a somewhat regular basis (there was a fire in there just the other day). Its dry enough where people are actually LIVING along the edges and into it somewhat - people are actually farming in there because it has KILLER nutritious soil.

None of this should be happening in any Morass, Swamp or Lagoon anywhere.

So...now they are going to attempt to "fix" a 20+ year old problem in the making - admirable AND expensive...all while doing MAJOR development just north of it which will deplete its and other resources in the surrounding areas, including Negril.

My friend said this new "Minister Without Portfolio" called it a compromise. I call it 3 card Monty with people's lives.
and my question is " where is all the poop going to go ? " I wouldn't leave my boat in the water by the bridge . Remember they wash the fish in that as well . It's hard to undo stuff and enviromental stuff is even harder . I hope it works...but ....
Aquavit, is this the river/non-river you are referring to? I have heard some call it Orange River. I went up it fishing one time and caught a small snook.
Kylake, yes, that's one of the "drains". I guess they are going to plug it up?
I would assume they will fill the drain back in completely or dam it in several spots and let it revert back naturally? I don't believe one simple dam at the exit/sea would work since a long rain season would probably breach the dam unless it was something really substantial and not just earthen.
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