
Full Version: horrid murder in Brighton (near Blue Hole)
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The two brothers and the Swedish woman lived in an isolated area beside the sea. Clark's distraught father is of the view that they lived too far away from everything.

“I don't think I would like to live there. But I couldnt tell him what to do,” he bemoaned.
Sad. I haven't a clue/any facts, but the story said they (all?) recently moved to the area. Makes me think locals knew the brothers were working or just did not know them, hence disposible. Working = has money?  Owning a bullet allows a new source of income for one who has none, or steals fruits from a tree.

many Good comments. One was:

Unfortunately the minds of a large percent of the people have become wicked. Sad to say, killing is not seen as a big deal anymore. A man/woman in Jamaica will just kill you in order to get you out of the way. The man who is illegally perched on your land will kill you if you attempt to get him off, and the man on your fruit tree on your property will kill you if you tell him to come off. I have seen both events. Holness is not God, nor was he hired as a psychologist. The society is sick.
How did 2 brothers convince a lady from Switzerland to build a place so isolated ? What is the draw ? Not a good ending !!! She was only one of many to end up like this .


One can only imagine how happy they were seeing their new home take shape only to never get to enjoy it.  
In reading this story, I also thought there might be more to it as another couple were shot dead a few days ago in blue hole. Ambushed on the way to work, think they said he was a butcher.

strange that they moved to this community in an isolated spot.

Strange to me was the police saying they not sure if they had been killed elsewhere and then taken to this house.
The position of the bodies dosent sound like this, I'm sure the killers didn't place them in those positions as dead, then burn the house out.

Sounds like something is happening in that neighbourhood with both crimes.
OT, the draw would be having property.
It's a status things for Jamaicans abroad or Jamaicans with foreign wives living there to have their own land and home in JA, whether you live there or not.

Every Jamaicans dream!!!

Don't know why the lady would move to an isolated area in this day and age.
I personally won't visit some of my in laws in country any more because of the level of killing.
i trust my gut instinct,
I guess it was the isolation thing more than anything . About 20 years ago a brother of a friend of mine had a wife that left him for a local beach boy . She brought him and his 5 kids to Canada and then about 3 years ago they got divorced and part of the settlement was for her to buy him a board house on the same property as one of his daughters outside MoBay . He was only there about 4 months and they drove/hounded/begged him back to Toronto . Didn't work 1 day in all those years , ended up with a settlement ( not bad from what my friend said ) and a piece of land in Jamaica ..and then couldn't use it and people are now bothering the daughter for the use of it . And he thought that he had her beat . I guess these guys did to but murder shouldn't be on the table . My mother told me " all things come with a price ".
Our former poster Bozz lives right by Brighton.

Westender, those murders of the couple happened in St. James, there are more than one blue hole location.  Besides the small one in Westmoreland, there is the big one in Ocho Rios and another one up behind Mount Zion outside of Mobay.  The property in question though, is right near the sea (Homer's Cove / Little Bay) area but Brighton.  So even if it is remote, I bet it was beautiful!  I go to Homer's Cove almost every time I go to Jamaica, it's just land and the ocean, not reef protected though like Negril Beach, so there are waves and whenever I am there, it's kind of windy.    
   All I know is...  I'm staying in some well-secured places like the Treehouse and Catch A Falling Star.  I did used to be really scared at Citronella when I would be THE only person there, NO security (but then I did pay really almost non-rate rates!) and seaside at Ocean Edge, the one security guard used to tell me "he was scared to death"...
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