
Full Version: Ultrasound Holdup
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It's just about the same as the rotarians spending the money raised for a ffCindy project ON THEIR OWN HOMES !!!!! It just seems like nothing matters.
more of the same shit, just a diff pile
Don't you just feel sorry for the Jamaican people, no hope for anything better for them with corruption and wickedness from the authorities like this .

Just the same as the YouTube footage of the same hospital  that went viral of the sick children on a ward and construction workers carrying out loud and noisy work all around them.

one love....yeah right...

There is no respect shown to the general population by the authorities .....how do you sleep at night by preventing sick people receiving donations of lifesaving equipment..
All the churches in Jamaica, and none of them speak out and challenge, unless it's to support antiquated laws that further deprive people of their human rights.