
Full Version: Spider bite turns bad
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bitten in bed in Lucea at the Grand Palladium Lady Hamilton Resort & Spa

didn't think much of it until traveling home. It got worse after the quote I'm supplying below. Won't make the Jamaican press, but in the interest of sharing, read it.


This quote, back home ....
Ross went straight to the doctor and was put on a four-week dose of antibiotics.

"The wound had scabbed over, and so I didn't go back to the doctor because I thought it was healing," she said.
Terrible and we have brown recluse spiders here in TN. In a sense I guess she was lucky it was the last day and she was back in the UK for treatment. I hate to think what the hospital treatment might have been like in Jamaica after hearing so many stories in the past for other ailments and treatment in Jamaica.
Well, that means the gal won't be visiting TN (per the article.)
When I read "13 days" in the hospital, at first I thought of her being in Sav and the expense thereof.

My fingers paused before I added the humor of "must have cost over a hundred bucks" but frankly I have no idea what the per day charge is. Belief is Medicare would pay zero and private insurance would max out at 50%.